FireStarter DesiGns-and homes for a change.

Hyde's House-Chateau Coeur Du Luberon_001

A friend of mine, and a long-time builder in SL, has recently started dipping her toes into mesh building, and because I’m pretty impressed with what she’s done, I wanted to feature the homes so far. This one is the Chateau “Coeur du Luberon”, and is the perfect build for your own personal winery, or a place to socialize with friends. It’s a sizeable build, so not for smaller plots, it has an LI of 350 (linked) and a size of 60×45.

Hyde's House-Chateau Coeur Du Luberon_003 Hyde's House-Chateau Coeur Du Luberon_006 Hyde's House-Chateau Coeur Du Luberon_008 Hyde's House-Chateau Coeur Du Luberon1_001_001 Hyde's House-Chateau Coeur Du Luberon1_001_002 Hyde's House-Chateau Coeur Du Luberon1_001_004 Hyde's House-Chateau Coeur Du Luberon1_001_005 Hyde's House-Chateau Coeur Du Luberon1_001_006 Hyde's House-Chateau Coeur Du Luberon_005

(patio furniture not included)

Hyde has built 3 more homes in addition to the Chateau. Her first build is a cute little brownstone-inspired, 2-story-The Piccolo

Hyde's House1_004

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Hyde's House1_008 Hyde's House1_009

(furnishings and decor not included)

Also available are The Sonate, a rusti 2-story home, with large open windows and a spiral staircase:

Hyde's House2_001

Since the Sonate and her sister home, The Aria, share a common downstairs layout, I’ll only show the 2nd floor for this one, and the kitchen and living room with the Aria photos.

Hyde's House2_002 Hyde's House2_003

Hyde's House2_004

(furnishings and decor not included)

And, now a home which Crow and I lived in for quite some time, and just adored, The Aria:

Hyde's House1_010

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Hyde's House1_023a

(furnishings and decor not included. Some of these are photos I took while we lived in the home, so there was a bit of editing to a few)

So, if you’re in the market for a new home at a reasonable price, something different, check out FireStarter DesiGns on the MP at, and see them in world at

I hope you had a lovely weekend and that Monday isn’t too hard on you. Until next time I squeeze out some time to blog,

